Incorporate Your Personality Into Your Business Without Oversharing!
One of my favorite principles from Superfans is Pat’s approach to sharing more personal details with your audience.
This is something I have always struggled with because, as a rule, I’m a pretty private person, but I do believe that customers purchase because of the person/brand even more than because of the product or service offered.
In the past, I’ve tried sharing little peeks into my personal life on my business channels, but it was always really sporadic and, honestly, felt forced. It was hard to find the relevancy between my two worlds.
Pat’s approach is so simple but so effective!
Essentially, he suggest choosing just a few things, ideally likes and hobbies, and incorporating those regularly into your content.
By doing this, you keep it simple for yourself but also become ‘known’ for certain things, triggering people to think of you often.
For him, his love of Back to the Future is one example. He talks about it regularly, and even named one step of the free course that accompanies Superfans “Drive the Delorean”!
People tag him in posts and send him messages and links related to Back to the Future all the time!
When I started to think about how to apply this in my own business, I realized that I’ve already been doing this, a bit, without realizing it!
My favorite color (and my primary brand color) is teal.
If you are on any of my socials, my website, or in my house…you will see this color everywhere! It’s my vibe.
Without understanding the beneficial impact for my business, I have the same situation with my color which means that when my audience sees something in my color, they think of me…even if just for a moment!
What amazing free marketing!
I’m now starting to strategize a few more things that I can incorporate into my content and it’s honestly so much fun!
What hobbies and personal passions of yours could you incorporate more into you business to help your audience know you better without oversharing?
From our desk to yours.