Community is a Lifeline for Your Business
Are you trying to "do business" alone?
When we first decided to start the Podcast, we did what a lot of new podcasters do first. We invited guests to be interviewed on each episode.
We interviewed 12 women who own businesses on their own (yes, including Joelene and me!) and asked them what Community has meant for them along the journey.
These are two of my favorite responses:
“Community, hands down, has been the lifeline.” – Megan Yelaney
“Without community support, my business wouldn’t exist” – Heather Boddy
To an outsider, these quotes might seem a little dramatic.
A lifeline? Your business wouldn’t exist?
If you are a business owner, though, and especially if you are a Solopreneur, then you know 100% that, if anything, these are understatement!
If you are trying to start, run, or grow a business and you don’t have a community around you to support you and push you, then you are setting yourself up for failure.
We all need support, and we all need a kick in the butt some days!
This is why we created the Success Through Community Mastermind.
This Mastermind is different from so many others. We have combined group mentoring with accountability and genuine friendship to help you find the community you need to thrive as a Soloprenuer.
Our next Season is starting soon.
Will you Join Us?
From our desk to yours.