Apply for the STC Mastermind

In this unique mastermind, learn the skills you need to build a strong foundation, framework, and future for your business while growing the friendships that will keep you strong through even the toughest solopreneur journey.

Tailored to match both your budget and schedule, the Success Through Community Mastermind offers two levels, allowing you to seamlessly integrate it into your life and business.

Join us for a Season or for the whole year.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Which Tier are you applying for? *
I am interested in participating for the following Season(s) (choose all that apply) *
Please note: participation in any season grants you access to our year end Bonus session in December
Current Member Referral
Were you referred by a current Mastermind member? If so, tell us who so that we can thank them!
Tell us about your business (or the business you plan to start) *
Business name, what do you offer, who do you serve, etc.
How long have you been in business? *
What obstacles are preventing you from achieving greater success in your business? *
In addition to receiving weekly emails from Success Through Community, would you like to receive emails from the Mastermind's facilitators? (choose all that apply) *

Given the personal nature of a meeting of the minds, the growth, and experiences of each member in the mastermind meetings these meetings will only be partially recorded.

Full commitment to engagement and participation from every Mastermind member is crucial for the process, value, and growth you'll attain. Will you commit to showing up live, engaging, and being a part of the group each session?

As humans, we recognize that life's challenges may occasionally arise and change even the best-laid plans, from time to time. Our request is for you to be as committed to your business and growth as we are.

Wishing you continued success,

K & J
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